Bongkot Jenjarrussakul, School of Human Resource Development, [email protected]
Our University Innovation Fellows
Make the most of today so you'll be ready for the opportunities that may come in the future.
Hathaichanok Wachiranorased (UIF รุ่นที่ 5), NIDA Business School, [email protected]
Happiness isn't something that's ready-made, it is crafted by your own will, "Happiness by design"
Wachiravit Tongphasook, (UIF รุ่นที่ 5), NIDA Business School
Learning is the gateway to opportunity, and with every lesson come the potential for growth. Embrace the journey, for each step forward brings you to becoming the best version of yourself.
Silarat Sudjaipraparat, (UIF รุ่นที่ 5), NIDA Business School
Every challenge is an opportunity to grow wiser, stronger, and better.
Thonthun Karibram (UIF รุ่นที่ 5), NIDA Business School, [email protected]
We all have our own timing, so live your life with trust and grow stronger.
Naipaphorn Tuntichiranon (UIF รุ่นที่ 6), NIDA Business School
[email protected]
One always has time enough, if one applies it well.
Nattakul Pornteparak (UIF รุ่นที่ 6), NIDA Business School
[email protected]
A black swan may return, but the truly prepared never lose their wings
Wilasinee Wattakapaiboon (UIF รุ่นที่ 6),
NIDA Business School,
[email protected]
I believe both empathy and sympathy are the keys to the better world.
Bulakorn Pornmongkolchart (UIF รุ่นที่ 4), Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, [email protected]
Dare to step out of the box. You will always come across a new world that will make you grow up like never before.
Kodchanipha Khanthakuarn (UIF รุ่นที่4), NIDA Business School, [email protected]
Experience can be designed by consciousness
Nattakit Anantavanichaya (UIF รุ่นที่ 4), School of human resources and organization development
Do something memorable and surpass yourself
Puch jaroonwit, UIF รุ่นที่ 2, NIDA Business School, [email protected]
Do not limit your potential, the only barrier to achieving your full potential, your goals and your dreams is YOU. Believe in yourself !
Supak Nunabee (UIF รุ่นที่ 4), Graduate School of Tourism Management, [email protected]